Step-by-Step Instructions

We understand that it may get a little confusing. We are always here in the office to assist. You may call us at anytime for help over the phone as well, 719-583-6195. 



  • This process may take up to one hour to complete. 
  • Some features may not work on a phone, please complete on a desktop or laptop. 
  • Be prepared to pay for your background check at the time of the registration. 
  • Please carefully read and understand all policies and code of conduct, they change yearly.
Runyon has EVERY coach register on Team Sideline at the beginning of EVERY season. This ensures that EVERY coach has read and signs off on the code of conduct, policies, and process a criminal background check ($25) annually. If you are going to be on the field during a game or in the dugout... this must be done. There is NO exceptions! Below are links to click on and get registered for the new season. 


Who has to register as a Coach?

Any person who will be on the field or in the dugout on game day needs to register as a coach on Team Sideline... this includes anyone doing gamechanger who is sitting in the dugout, a team manager who is the dugout coach, etc...  You are allowed 4 coaches on the field/in the dugout per game. 

What does registering as a coach mean?

By registering as a coach, you are reading signing off on the code of conduct, policies, and processing a criminal background check ($25). This will allow you to be on the field or in the dugout.

What is the best way to complete the coach's registration on Team Sideline?

Some features may not work on a phone, please complete on a desktop or laptop. It may take up to one hour to complete. Be prepared to pay for your background check at the time of the registration. Please carefully read and understand all policies and code of conduct, they change yearly.